Directed by Pedro Crispim | Sound by PULSAR studios
Fiction | 15 min | POR
“Clowns” is a short-film about a love triangle between two clowns and an equilibrist. This triangle’s dynamics interweaves passions, wills and betrayals, acclimated both in an artificial game of masks and in an emotional primitivism. But more than a moral or immoral tale, this short-film is an
exploration on obsession, on the destructive powers degenerated when passionate emotions are threatened. The morality might be ambiguous, but jealousy is a big defect."
- ante-estreia em boticas, portugal
- imagens do real imaginado, portugal
- prémios sophia estudante, portugal
- fantasporto, porto, portugal
- shortcutz, lisboa, portugal
- shortcutz, funchal, portugal
- shortcutz, porto, portugal
- shortcutz, figueirós dos vinhos, portugal
- festival de cine y tv león, spain
- primavera do cine, spain
- festival creando, spain
- cinemax curtas, rtp, portugal
- festival de cortometrajes luna de cortos, spain
- porto7, portugal
- motelx, portugal
- mostrarte'16, portugal
- shortcutz viseu, portugal
- mifec, portugal
- motelx no coimbra bd, coimbra, portugal
- fest - new directors new films festival, espinho, portugal.
*best short-film fiction, sophia student award'15, portugal
*nominated for best student film by
the portuguese academy of cinema, portugal
*best school award (ESMAE) fantasporto, porto, portugal
*premio portugal en corto, festival de cine y televisión reino de león, spain
*melhor curta metragem nacional, porto7, Portugal
*mejor cortometraje país invitado, festival de cortometrajes luna de cortos, spain
*menção especial, motelx, portugal